Hand painted cover.

Hand painted cover.
Fire: Coils and Springs - March 2014
Edition of one, first of five book set
Single Sheet Coptic Binding
Book design, original photographs, and book constructionby Kristie Atwood.
13900 N. Sutherland TrailTucson, AZ 85739Untied States of America
Printed on Epson Premium presentation paper, Reeves BFK, hand dyed and leathered cover papers, found object, sewn paper.
Artist’s Statement
Fire: Springs/Coils - Kristie Atwood “Springs and Coils” is the first in a suite of five related books on the subject of impermanence. Since i was a child houses that are old and or abandoned have fascinated me. The focus of this suite of books Fire, is one of these buildings. It’s located in Flagstaff, Arizona, where people pass every day, yet many don’t see it.
The house burned and what remains is a rubble pile covered with vegetation. When explored, one sees its foundation, concrete slab, its plumbing, its windows warped by the heat, and blown out, pieces of furniture and appliances.
The focus of my work revolves around transience/impermanence. It’s the essence of life - loss and transition, yet it is intolerable. This is why I’ve turned my eye upon it. To me this house of rubble is a perfect symbol of this circumstance.
I’ve used many techniques for work in general. For this book I’ve taken close photos of objects left inside. I hope to turn decay into a soft beauty. I have sewn objects from the house into the book. Representing fire and rust are hand colored paper and paint.
Shown at Group exhibition at the Specail Collections Library, University of Arizona, Tucson Book Festival